Tips to lose weight with diet and aerobic training

"To lose weight you must first follow a balanced diet, healthy, low calorie, with particular emphasis in the summer fruits and vegetables. Activities to follow in the gym to lose weight and tone are so many but we need?"

Still speak of the physical form of diets, exercise for the abdominals, but also how to set a table approach to fitness next vacation, summer, and in view of the inevitable awkward moment when the 'dress rehearsal'. Patrizia Personal Trainer at Salviato HEALTHCITY in Padua has answered some of our most frequently asked questions, they occur when trying to figure out where to start, how to get the desired results, such as getting into shape. Also thanks to proper diet and workout in the gym. Here's what he said Patrizia Salviato.

We are talking about aerobic exercise, weights, diet. And that is by simply walking to cycling to weights, to more complex tools, many of which are equipped with gyms, diet. In what order of importance would you put these three 'components' and why? Diet, weight training and aerobic activities are linked together. The summer brings, especially the lazy ones, the greater the motivation to undertake physical activity and therefore more willingly attending the gym. The activities in the gym are a lot but you can optimize your time doing functional training through advanced methodologies that can be built upon by PT.

The power is in first place, because "we are what we eat." And 'possible to lose weight then simultaneously toning especially following programs. Among aerobic activities available to those enrolled in the gym there are some more suited than others when you want to lose weight, or activity that is the other? To lose weight you first need to eat a balanced, healthy and low calorie, favoring especially in summer fruits and vegetables.

The activities to be followed in the gym to lose weight and tone are so many but we must consider that to achieve real results (taking into account that each of us has a different physical condition), the exercise must also be different for each one and then tailored according to their physical condition and age. The group activities provide results in terms of calorie consumption, toning, flexibility, coordination, mobility in general.

Ab. Train them is to burn the fat that is deposited in the abdominal area?
We must explode the myth that the more repetitions you do and the more you burn. Maybe you could eat only fat locally by many repetitions localized!

Assuming that we train any muscle that we will "swell" that takes tone, the volume automatically increases instead of decreasing. The abdomen is deeply involving trained around the core "postural belt" or waist, but the introduction of localized fat in the abdomen is consumed less fat and calories from food. A small amount of fat consumed is also close to the target muscle, but is very minimal!

How to train your abs so that your training is effective? How many sessions a week, how many series, how many repetitions?
The core must be trained with 3 consecutive years from 15/20 reps for 3 sets, minimum. These exercises should involve all the muscles (abdomen, hips, spinal erectors), so that there is an activation of the global core. More exercises, which stimulate the deep fibers of the rectus abdominis, and the more we make our belly "part". The training sessions during the week to keep at least 3.

How long it takes, on average, because the early results of a good diet and exercise do you see?
It 'can get great results in the gym in terms of weight loss and toning in 6/8 weeks. The person who goes to the gym to pursue the teachings with constancy and perseverance. Once obtained the desired results are also maintained over time and constantly attending the gym. The body is a perfect machine and as such should be treated, especially you need to have respect for yourself and love yourself.

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