Tips and training pattern for muscle definition. How to set up a workout to burn fat under the skin that covers and hides the muscles you've worked so much during the winter season.
A physicist can be muscular as you want, but if there is one that bodybuilders call 'muscle definition' the result is not as expected. Just a few millimeters of fat too (a little 'of fat under the skin is normal and physiological, mind you) to hide, well-toned muscles worked, penalizing the work of months in the gym. Series: When the muscle is there but not seen ...
One of the questions we receive most frequently is precisely
this fact: "how can I set up my workout to get a better muscle
A physicist can be muscular as you want, but if there is one that bodybuilders call 'muscle definition' the result is not as expected. Just a few millimeters of fat too (a little 'of fat under the skin is normal and physiological, mind you) to hide, well-toned muscles worked, penalizing the work of months in the gym. Series: When the muscle is there but not seen ...
The answer is found
in the following paragraphs
Training for muscle definition principles to follow to
improve muscle definition, if you train in the gym, are basically three
1) Increase aerobic
(or enter in your aerobic exercise program)
At least three or four sessions of aerobic exercise per week
for 30/40 minutes. For aerobic mean the brisk walk to the snare carpet
(treadmill) or in step, or exercise bike, or better still, alternating each
time a different machine for aerobic training. The aerobic work can be
performed before or after weight training.
Experts advise to do it later, personally I do it before
with good results the same, so do as you like, just that you work seriously.
With regard to the intensity. To burn fat you do not need to work too hard,
indeed. What matters is the duration, set a speed and strength that give you
the idea to make trouble, but do not overdo it. If you think you work too hard
down the level of difficulty.
2) Lower the weights,
increase the reps, decrease the rest between sets
there is not much to say on this point, the title is already
very clear. Bring to 12-15 repetitions for each set, keep a good rhythm in the
execution of the exercises, and rest the minimum time required between a series
and the next.
3) Diet
Clearly it will be important to pay attention to food. So
watch out for fatty foods, careful not to eat too much pasta or bread (but not
eliminated it from the carbohydrates!), And preferred foods rich in proteins,
in addition to clearly abundant and healthy summer salads.
That's it. If you have worked well during the winter, this
is the time to reap the benefits, toning muscles, thin layer of fat under the
skin, showing off a six-pack that the other boys will envy and admire the
girls. Just a couple of weeks to see results. Good job.
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