How to revive our hair; bring them back strong, shiny and healthy after a holiday by the sea, sun and salt… Who has not felt the need to restore life to your hair after a long stay at sea, raise your hand! Sun, salt, wind ... just to name a few of the many agents that contributes to weaken and dry out our hair. Or the chlorine of a swimming pool, just to add another. This article will explain how to restore vitality and shine to hair damaged by sun and salt water. Time to regain control of the situation:
Hair Rule number 1: Take a hair appointment soon. After the
holidays is a must 'trim' to even the smallest hair. Nothing is more effective
against split ends or damaged hair with a scissor work surface but targeted. Especially
if you're trying to grow hair, although it may seem strange. A good cut is the
basis of a hairstyle that holds the fold and never fails us (or almost).
Rule number 2 hair: Wash your hair with shampoo (and conditioner).
Very delicate hair for the best products is ones you find in the barber shop
and not on the shelves of the supermarket (although the ones in the supermarket
are the most popular because it advertised …). Revenues without fear in the
hairdresser's, and ask for advice, explain your problem and your needs, and
seek out the best product for you. It may be more expensive than the
supermarket, but in the end quality always pays. Furthermore, products which
are often more concentrated at the hairdresser, so I'll use - in theory - less.