What are the characteristics and personality to do the right model?

Not everyone can do this job. Not just the height, not just look dark (assuming they serve), not enough muscles rippling.We talked about the physical requirements of a model or aspiring. Now let's talk about personalities. First question: what are the characteristics of 'character, excuse the pun, positive and looking for when evaluating a model? A model must not only be beautiful, is not enough.

Must have great communication, a well-defined personality. Before a customer does not have much time. You have a few minutes to "giocartela", if you have determination and security, not "arrive". Many times to select models from images, even from Polaroid, but are not sufficient to get a better idea should also see a video. When you are traveling to "scouting", the models seen in person, and you have the chance to talk with them, interact to try to find out if in addition to a face they have a "soul", which as I concerns should preferably be ROCK! ;)

What are the most common problems that you want to avoid when selecting a model? (Eg the irresponsible type who then fails to report to work ...) When you select a model is like a blind date ... We say that depends on the origin of the model, if it occurs at the agency as a beginner or without an appointment, you give a little credibility trying 'to understand what are the priorities, how important is this work for him. If the model is taken from a scout, and then usually by an agency abroad, if the agency is serious, should be the agents themselves, which I will propose to put in front of any problems telling you - maybe - that the model not always reflect the appointments.

Or go to school, so this could be a further brake, or simply "crazy" then it is up to us to decide what it's worth it. Once "recruited" the surprises could be endless ... Be pleasantly surprised is a rare but satisfying victory! What are the most frequent difficulties from the psychological point of view a model that meets the beginning, and that those who are trying to do this work must bear in mind? The age of the models may vary aged 14 to 45/50 years. Let's say that most of the models, which could have psychological difficulties initially are those aged 18 to 23 years.

Surprisingly, the younger ones usually come from countries such as Latvia, Russia, Lithuania, and come to Milan for the shows with a parental permission for any travel in Europe. Goes without saying that they are young, but coming from less affluent countries and cultures more disciplined, are less problematic. I speak for my experience, and I rely on what has happened to me. I had lots of models from that area. Money is clearly very important, are the reason they started this career.

The 18-year-olds and over can not miss the friends of the bride? I would not say, being so young, friends are easily found. They may find it difficult to earn what he needs, or enter such a competition that leads them to experience all evil, hence the desire to leave, the desire to disappear for a while '. For those starting to make this work I recommend viversela peacefully, as in all artistic fields, who said that the bread has no teeth. 

I had several models that have not really matter anything to make this work and were - as often happens - the ones to bet on, the winning numbers. I think it is important to live in a calm, even giving themselves a time limit within which if nothing happens ... need to find another. Unfortunately this is not a rule but one way to tackle this job.

Some models are absolutely 'freaked out', we see them backstage at fashion shows, and imagine how difficult it is to manage, especially when they work a lot and their time should be organized to the minute. Tell us about an incident (without naming names), an 'mad' or an absurd situation caused by 'crazy' a pattern? ... Wow! I have happened to so many who do not know ... Models who fall asleep backstage at a fashion show and are never found, nor paid!

Who gets drunk the night before and the next morning you have to send the porter of the hotel to wake him while you get into a taxi arrives at the hotel you put it in the shower while he insults you, when you're lucky ... Or who twists the night before promising that tomorrow will be at work, in what was not known, and the poor photographer spends Christmas in retouch photos with eyes closed ... Those who manage to lose 3 AIRCRAFT same day! Before wrong airport, we make a new ticket, he falls asleep at the bar and can not hear the call of the flight, then the third and last flight accompanied by a handyman agency that accompanies it straight to the gate making sure that this is the right time!

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