
There are many men who suffer from enlarged pores. Actually, at first glance, that of the pores is a problem that many do not consider very serious, even though virtually everyone - could - they would rather avoid. The pores or large pores that have lost elasticity are like 'mouths skin "that remain open, and are genetically determined. In this case there is very little (read: nothing) to do.

At best, you can try using a "pore minimizer". This is a product that puts a film on the skin and camouflages a little 'pores, but if, as a man, one who wants to appeal to a similar product, is to be seen.

However you can do something to 'clean up' the pores open, wiping the dirt that naturally tends to accumulate in them. The seemingly obvious solution: simply remove the dirt and clean the pores. In fact, we're here the idea that 'prevention is better than cure'. And so it is best to avoid the clogging of the pores before this occurs, in order to avoid 'widen' and enlarge.