Care for dull and lifeless hair from sun and sea

How to revive our hair; bring them back strong, shiny and healthy after a holiday by the sea, sun and salt… Who has not felt the need to restore life to your hair after a long stay at sea, raise your hand! Sun, salt, wind ... just to name a few of the many agents that contributes to weaken and dry out our hair. Or the chlorine of a swimming pool, just to add another. This article will explain how to restore vitality and shine to hair damaged by sun and salt water. Time to regain control of the situation:

Hair Rule number 1: Take a hair appointment soon. After the holidays is a must 'trim' to even the smallest hair. Nothing is more effective against split ends or damaged hair with a scissor work surface but targeted. Especially if you're trying to grow hair, although it may seem strange. A good cut is the basis of a hairstyle that holds the fold and never fails us (or almost).

Rule number 2 hair: Wash your hair with shampoo (and conditioner). Very delicate hair for the best products is ones you find in the barber shop and not on the shelves of the supermarket (although the ones in the supermarket are the most popular because it advertised …). Revenues without fear in the hairdresser's, and ask for advice, explain your problem and your needs, and seek out the best product for you. It may be more expensive than the supermarket, but in the end quality always pays. Furthermore, products which are often more concentrated at the hairdresser, so I'll use - in theory - less.

How to present a modeling job interview

Important, indeed vital to try to get it - this blessed work, how it presents the assessment interview, also from the standpoint of appearance. The so-called grooming, when it comes to men. From the attention to detail to shave, cut hair to your skin, nails ... and we could go. Indeed, we continue and we give you some tips in this article very useful to introduce the next job interview in impeccable shape.

We are living through a period where, if you do not have (or no longer) a job, finding one has become quite complicated. A lot of competition, low bid, the crisis, apologies for not hiring or firing, the various bullshit that we encounter them as official media. Fact is that the work around we do not find much, and often get a job interview is a success.

Since the method of presentation, from the point of appearance, is an element that is held in high esteem during the interview (in addition to individual skills and qualifications clearly ...) here are some valuable tips that you will do well to keep in mind at your next job interview. To communicate - with your appearance - you're the right person for that job position. To begin the conversation with the right foot. For, as they say, a good first impression.


There are many men who suffer from enlarged pores. Actually, at first glance, that of the pores is a problem that many do not consider very serious, even though virtually everyone - could - they would rather avoid. The pores or large pores that have lost elasticity are like 'mouths skin "that remain open, and are genetically determined. In this case there is very little (read: nothing) to do.

At best, you can try using a "pore minimizer". This is a product that puts a film on the skin and camouflages a little 'pores, but if, as a man, one who wants to appeal to a similar product, is to be seen.

However you can do something to 'clean up' the pores open, wiping the dirt that naturally tends to accumulate in them. The seemingly obvious solution: simply remove the dirt and clean the pores. In fact, we're here the idea that 'prevention is better than cure'. And so it is best to avoid the clogging of the pores before this occurs, in order to avoid 'widen' and enlarge.

Training for high pectoral

One of the most difficult muscle groups to 'reach' for people exercising in the gym with weights is undoubtedly the top - and internal - the pectorals. Development which is not suitable for this determines the look 'incomplete' chest, almost 'falling' if you pass the deadline.

Often the lower chest muscles grow faster, and it is always easier to stimulate with the classic exercises for the pecs. The upper part, however, is often overlooked, or sometimes negatively affected the particular physical shape of runners. The shoulders carry away more often than the load from the top of the chest while he trains. Yet a breast plate developed in a complete, especially at the top and interior, is quite another, gives a completely different look to the entire area.

But then how do? How to train effectively the top (and internal) of the chest? Here are some practical tips

1) Always start training the chest with one or two exercises for the upper, so as to perform the exercises when you are still refreshed and full of energy.

Training for muscle definition

Tips and training pattern for muscle definition. How to set up a workout to burn fat under the skin that covers and hides the muscles you've worked so much during the winter season.

A physicist can be muscular as you want, but if there is one that bodybuilders call 'muscle definition' the result is not as expected. Just a few millimeters of fat too (a little 'of fat under the skin is normal and physiological, mind you) to hide, well-toned muscles worked, penalizing the work of months in the gym. Series: When the muscle is there but not seen ...

One of the questions we receive most frequently is precisely this fact: "how can I set up my workout to get a better muscle definition?"

The answer is found in the following paragraphs

Training for muscle definition principles to follow to improve muscle definition, if you train in the gym, are basically three

1) Increase aerobic work
(or enter in your aerobic exercise program)
At least three or four sessions of aerobic exercise per week for 30/40 minutes. For aerobic mean the brisk walk to the snare carpet (treadmill) or in step, or exercise bike, or better still, alternating each time a different machine for aerobic training. The aerobic work can be performed before or after weight training.

The man beauty products

Men and make-up. Until recently it was an unusual combination, strange to many. The man was absolutely stay away from makeup. 'Now is being abused more than women,' jokes the make-up artist Michael Magnani of Mac 'No, this is perhaps an exaggeration, but it is true that man is changing the culture ...'

The body care for the man never ends - as it once - just by going to the gym and maybe applying some cream after the shower. There are always more specific products for body care for man. We all know by now the creams (for him) to burn fat (those creams that promise perfect abs). And many men are now the lamp or go to the beach for sunbathing. And very often they also begin to use even products for make-up of her face.

'In the light of these changes that you must see the relationship between man and make-up,' says Michele Magnani. 'Even if the make-up man is very far from what is the make-up women. As for the woman you can see the trick and should have its effect also visual, the trick for the man must have a completely natural way. The effect there must be, but you should be able to see where it came from. It is for this reason it is recommended that the man uses specific products for humans. '

A moisturizer
A moisturizer is essential. Choose the cream according to your skin.

A scrub
Then you can not miss a scrub because dead cells are eliminated throughout the year. 'And we have less blemishes, less adjustments we have to do', reminds us of Michael Magnani. 'A proper skin care is based.'

Tips to lose weight with diet and aerobic training

"To lose weight you must first follow a balanced diet, healthy, low calorie, with particular emphasis in the summer fruits and vegetables. Activities to follow in the gym to lose weight and tone are so many but we need?"

Still speak of the physical form of diets, exercise for the abdominals, but also how to set a table approach to fitness next vacation, summer, and in view of the inevitable awkward moment when the 'dress rehearsal'. Patrizia Personal Trainer at Salviato HEALTHCITY in Padua has answered some of our most frequently asked questions, they occur when trying to figure out where to start, how to get the desired results, such as getting into shape. Also thanks to proper diet and workout in the gym. Here's what he said Patrizia Salviato.

We are talking about aerobic exercise, weights, diet. And that is by simply walking to cycling to weights, to more complex tools, many of which are equipped with gyms, diet. In what order of importance would you put these three 'components' and why? Diet, weight training and aerobic activities are linked together. The summer brings, especially the lazy ones, the greater the motivation to undertake physical activity and therefore more willingly attending the gym. The activities in the gym are a lot but you can optimize your time doing functional training through advanced methodologies that can be built upon by PT.

Height and physical requirements to make the model

What are the requirements to make the model? Height, size, age? We say that in general we start with a minimum height of 1.83 to a maximum of 1.89. This is due to the fit. Obviously, overcoming a height becomes a problem. The same applies below 183cm (which, however, is also the minimum even for stand next to a woman).

The age for men from the age of 14 until you reach 50 years models also obviously depends on many factors. A model of 28 years is already a professional and would not start ever at that age, or at least 'very difficult. It usually begins between 14 and 22/23 years. Then of course there are exceptions: it is clear that if there comes a model of 1.82 with a face 'space' you feel the same and can also go very well!

What mistakes to avoid in working model?

As in all work, including that of the model there are errors and situations that are best avoided. What are the most common mistakes made ​​by those who are starting this profession and you feel like to warn those who would try to pursue a modeling career ? I think the biggest mistake is to want everything at once, unfortunately it does not. I believe that the success of a modeling career is definitely on the actual physical data for 40%, personality and luck are the remaining 60%. Without personality does not go very far.

What are the characteristics and personality to do the right model?

Not everyone can do this job. Not just the height, not just look dark (assuming they serve), not enough muscles rippling.We talked about the physical requirements of a model or aspiring. Now let's talk about personalities. First question: what are the characteristics of 'character, excuse the pun, positive and looking for when evaluating a model? A model must not only be beautiful, is not enough.

Must have great communication, a well-defined personality. Before a customer does not have much time. You have a few minutes to "giocartela", if you have determination and security, not "arrive". Many times to select models from images, even from Polaroid, but are not sufficient to get a better idea should also see a video. When you are traveling to "scouting", the models seen in person, and you have the chance to talk with them, interact to try to find out if in addition to a face they have a "soul", which as I concerns should preferably be ROCK! ;)

What are the most common problems that you want to avoid when selecting a model? (Eg the irresponsible type who then fails to report to work ...) When you select a model is like a blind date ... We say that depends on the origin of the model, if it occurs at the agency as a beginner or without an appointment, you give a little credibility trying 'to understand what are the priorities, how important is this work for him. If the model is taken from a scout, and then usually by an agency abroad, if the agency is serious, should be the agents themselves, which I will propose to put in front of any problems telling you - maybe - that the model not always reflect the appointments.

How to be a model?

If you want to be a model and devote yourself to one of the most amazing and interesting careers that exist, need to meet certain requirements. Not enough to have the perfect measurements, the required height, or a pretty face, being a model is much more. First you must decide what type of model you want to be, this will depend on your looks, your age and why you want to be a model. The requirements for the model are both physical and psychic.

Within the physical requirements are the minimum required height, weight in proportion to height, age (depending on what type of model), and beautiful skin clean, beautiful teeth and healthy hair. In the psychic and emotional requirements, the most important are: Trust in him/herself high self-esteem, punctuality and generally have a very charismatic personality. Once have decided what type of model you want to be, you start fighting to get it, because being a model is not something that is achieved overnight, it requires dedication, perseverance and patience.