How to present a modeling job interview

Important, indeed vital to try to get it - this blessed work, how it presents the assessment interview, also from the standpoint of appearance. The so-called grooming, when it comes to men. From the attention to detail to shave, cut hair to your skin, nails ... and we could go. Indeed, we continue and we give you some tips in this article very useful to introduce the next job interview in impeccable shape.

We are living through a period where, if you do not have (or no longer) a job, finding one has become quite complicated. A lot of competition, low bid, the crisis, apologies for not hiring or firing, the various bullshit that we encounter them as official media. Fact is that the work around we do not find much, and often get a job interview is a success.

Since the method of presentation, from the point of appearance, is an element that is held in high esteem during the interview (in addition to individual skills and qualifications clearly ...) here are some valuable tips that you will do well to keep in mind at your next job interview. To communicate - with your appearance - you're the right person for that job position. To begin the conversation with the right foot. For, as they say, a good first impression.

  1. The beard. Fundamental a beard and a freshly shaved skin of the face very clean (with no cuts!)
  2. And since we speak of facial skin, it must also be well hydrated. A hydrating mask for the face the night before the interview will not hurt.
  3. The hair. Wash and cut fresh, with good bases 'trimmed' and no hair growing on my neck ...
  4. The hairs of the nose. Laugh. Now that you laughed, seriously consider purchasing a 'trimmer for nose hair.'
  5. The nails. Must be cut, and cut well. Better a little 'longer, rather than too short. Avoid their 'bitten nails', and if you tend to eat you nails resist the temptation. A lime - as women - is very useful. Also remove hangnails and all that can give an image to your neglected nails, and your hands.
  6. The teeth. Bianchi. Whites because they cared, why do not smoke, because you're lucky to have naturally white teeth. But also because - if necessary - have resorted to a 'whitening' the dentist. More and more men who do whiten teeth. There is nothing wrong. And girls like men with white teeth ;)
  7. The breath. It must be cool. If you know you suffer from bad breath, avoid eating heavy meals the day before the interview, very well brush your teeth, use dental floss, brush your tongue! Then rinse thoroughly with a mouthwash for mouth. Bring candy mint or chewing gum, but remember to spit it out before entering the interview room!
  8. The smell. Do not exaggerate.
  9. The clothing. Serious and that shows style and respect for the interview you're about to face (unless you have applied for a position working at the circus, but that's another story) and for the person who is going to interview.
  10. The attitude. It's part of how we plan, and then insert it in this list. Be strong and sure of yourself. Tighten the hand, do not overdo it with the close without giving the limp little hand that sometimes we happen to notice. If you try to dry sweaty hands before you shake hands, unnoticed. Avoid keeping your hands in your pocket. Look the other person in the eye when speaking.

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